Thursday, 5 January 2012

Let's Kill Hitler: A Review of Sorts

Let's Kill Hitler was, in my opinion, a very weak episode. No matter how much Moffat, Arthur Darvil etc try to convince us Mels was a mystery, a hell of a lot of people had already guessed she was Melody Pond. Correctly so, I might add. Another thing I found quite irritating was the fact that Hitler had very little to do with the episode. It was an episode about Melody's transformation into River Song, and her transformation into somebody that wants to protect the Doctor rather than kill him. Hitler was a sub-plot. A joke intended only to make Hitler look like a fool, and give Rory a BAMF moment. Also, no matter how disoriented from the smoke, there were four people in that TARDIS. They all left the TARDIS and looked around and we're supposed to believe that not a single one of them noticed the banners at each corner of the room with giant swastikas on them? The whole episode was a farce. Yes, I got some level of enjoyment out of it, but as an episode I'm assuming intended to be about Hitler and make us wonder about Mels, it was very poor. Again, this is just my opinion.

Michelle xx

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